Data on HE micro-credentials in Ireland 2014-2023

The recent OECD Skills Strategy recommended that Ireland should “strengthen the recognition, accreditation and stackability of lifelong learning opportunities in line with the National Framework of Qualifications (e.g. through stackable micro-credentials, digital badges, etc.).” 

It also recommended that “…QQI should work together with SOLAS and HEA to create frameworks and streamline processes for determining the accreditation of short and bite-size courses."

In order to inform strategic considerations of this nature (and as the national qualifications authority and the body with responsibility for maintaining the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ), QQI wishes to present more recent data to identify trends and areas that may need to be addressed in relation to micro-credentials; including consideration of:

  • data on programmes delivered by private/independent HEIs leading to QQI awards,
  • data on the Irish Register of Qualifications (IRQ), and
  • data on the micro-credentials offered by IUA institutions via the portal.