Freedom of Information
The Freedom of Information Act 2014 determines the following legal rights:
- The right to access records held by QQI
- The right to have personal information in a record amended where it is incomplete, incorrect or misleading
- The right to obtain reasons for decisions taken by QQI affecting you
You can ask for the following records held by QQI:
- Any records relating to you personally, whenever they were created
- All other records (non-personal) created after 21 April 1998
You should make your request in writing to:
The FOI Officer
Quality and Qualifications Ireland
26-27 Denzille Lane
Dublin 2
- Your application should refer to the Freedom of Information Act. If your application for information does not mention the Act, it will be dealt with as an ordinary request for information
- Please ensure that you describe the information you are looking for in the greatest detail possible to enable us to identify the relevant records. If possible, please indicate the time-frame that applies to your request, for example, between May 2011 and December 2011
- No fees apply to initial requests for non-personal information
- You can expect an acknowledgement within two weeks of QQI receiving your request for information
- You will receive a decision on your request within four weeks of QQI receiving your request for information
- If you are not satisfied with the information you receive in response to a request and would like to appeal the decision, you can apply for an internal review
- You will be told the result of this review within three weeks
- Requests for internal review require an application fee of €30 (€10 for medical card holders). There is no fee for an internal review of a request for personal information or in the case of a late decision on a non-personal request. Cheques or postal orders should be made out to Quality and Qualifications Ireland
- If you are not satisfied with the decision of our internal review, you may ask the Information Commissioner to review the matter. A fee of €50 must accompany most applications for review by the information commissioner. A reduced fee of €15 applies if you are covered by a medical card or in relation to a review concerning certain third party information. There is no fee for review applications concerning only personal information relating to oneself or in relation to decisions to impose fees or deposits.