Update: Broad Award Standards, CAS Award Standards


Update on Broad Award Standards at NFQ Levels 1–4

The broad award standards suite for QQI further education and training awards at NFQ Levels 1-4 is intended to bring a fresh and flexible approach to programme development for FET providers in Ireland. Guided by the broad standards as an alternative to the unitised component structure of the CAS, providers can design prospective new QQI awards when developing a new programme or updating an existing one and propose these to QQI through the programme validation process.

The suite of new award standards comprises ten core competence award standards specified at NFQ levels 1 to 4, and ten vocational award standards specified at NFQ levels 3 and 4. The award standards for core competences are aligned with the EU Key Competences for Lifelong Learning 2018. The suite of broad award standards at NFQ levels 1-4 will become available from 2024. QQI endeavours to organise an on-line webinar on practical implementation of the broad award standards at levels 1-4 early next year.

Update on Review of Common Award System Award Standards

CAS award standards have been instrumental in the development and recognition of further education and training awards for almost two decades. However, many of the existing suite of CAS award standards don’t support their primary function of guiding the development of programmes and qualifications that meet the needs of learners anymore. Therefore, the CAS system needs to be updated to reflect a better fit between FET and HET in the context of tertiary education.

Consequently, earlier this year, QQI has commenced engagement with the sector on an effective approach to a systematic review and renewal of the existing CAS award standards that resulted in production of the CAS Outline Action Plan for Review and Renewal of QQI Common Award Standards, which can be downloaded below.

Taking this opportunity, QQI wishes to acknowledge our stakeholder’s contribution and sectoral support and engagement in the development of the Outline Action Plan for the Review and Renewal of QQI Common Award Standards.
