Qualifax Calendar of Events 2022


Did you know that Qualifax has a dedicated section on their website for their calendar of career events?

Events covered include: 

  • College open days/evenings  
  • Application dates, closing dates/deadlines 
  • Careers exhibitions and information events  

The calendar is a valued resource for learners and their supporters when considering options for education and training in the year ahead.  

Forward and coordinated planning of career-related events is essential to avoid clashing with similar events in your sector and area. You can view the calendar under Career Events.  

  • We would welcome submission of details of all your forthcoming events particularly those relating to further/higher education entry in 2022.
  • If you have full details of your event, you can submit this information via the Submit Events to Calendar link on the Qualifax website.
  • Alternatively, as soon as your information is available, email bcahill@qqi.ie.
  • Changes to the status of any events can be made at any time by contacting bcahill@qqi.ie.