Latest IRQ data transfer to QDR completed


We are delighted to announce that another successful (higher education) data transfer from the IRQ register to the European Qualifications Dataset Register (QDR) took place in July 2023, meeting our EU obligation in providing information on courses and qualifications as part of the European Skills Agenda. The Qualifications Dataset Register (QDR) is a tool developed by the European Commission to support national authorities to publish their data as ‘linked open data’ which is available on the Europass Platform, providing information on accredited courses and qualifications across the European higher education area.

The IRQ register was developed and went live in 2020 to meet a statutory requirement for a register of qualifications/awards that are included in the NFQ. The IRQ continues to grow its audience with 10,478 new users and over 99,000 views this year to date. The IRQ team has engaged with and assisted providers with uploading their data to the register which now lists over 13,899 courses, 249 providers and over 11,000 qualifications. Awarding Bodies are responsible for uploading quality data to the register and may upload as often as they wish and at any time throughout the year. The IRQ team is always available to assist with any technical queries. QQI aims to have this data transferred to the QDR twice a year (June/December).

QQI would like to thank providers and awarding bodies for their continued support populating the IRQ. We look forward to working with awarding bodies in the next few months and aim to have another updated data transfer from the IRQ register to the QDR in December 2023.
