Evaluation of AQR process published


The annual quality reporting (AQR) process to QQI by higher education institutions is a cornerstone of QQI’s approach to quality monitoring in this sector. As part of QQI’s commitment to the enhancement of our processes, we commissioned an independent evaluation of the usefulness of the AQR model in fulfilling its intended purpose and sought recommendations on how it might be improved and enhanced.

The evaluation, which was informed by all of the key stakeholders in the sector, found that:

  • All stakeholders perceive an important role for the AQR.
  • The AQR largely meets its objective of providing documentary evidence of the development and evolution of a provider’s QA system.
  • HEIs were generally positive about the benefits of capturing an overview of the QA and governance systems in place, although caution was expressed as to the ability of the AQR to capture information on the effectiveness of the QA system.
  • The AQR largely meets its objective of facilitating peer learning and promoting good practice.
  • AQR was generally not considered to have a role in supporting institutional review.
  • Quality dialogue meetings are a valuable and constructive mechanism for HEI staff to engage with QQI on their areas of work.

 Recommendations for improvement include the need for:

  • Clarification and agreement with key national stakeholders on the future purpose and function of the AQR in the context of a changing integrated tertiary education system.
  • Alignment of the process and template to this purpose.
  • Adjustments to reporting requirements.
  • Promotion of the AQRs and thematic analysis reports, including social media and in-person events.

Responding to the report, QQI CEO Dr Padraig Walsh noted:

“We are pleased to receive these reflections and recommendations on the annual quality reporting process from the external project team.

QQI has recently commenced a review of its monitoring framework and the AQR will be an important focal point in that review. Future developments in the QA monitoring framework are likely to retain tools such as the AQR as it has become embedded into the internal quality processes of many HEIs.

The recommendations to deepen consultation with other statutory bodies and continue dialogue with stakeholder institutions regarding the AQR, its purpose and usefulness, is consistent with QQI strategic priorities to engage with stakeholders, strengthen partnerships, and build organisational excellence and this will be a feature of our review of the monitoring process.

Other recommendations, including an earlier call for submissions, can be readily facilitated. The submission deadline is set in consultation with HEIs to facilitate the range of governance requirements at a local level.

We particularly welcome the recognition of the value of the AQR and QQI’s associated thematic analyses reports in communicating and sharing good practice across the sector. QQI has already acted to implement the recommendation on an event to highlight case studies of quality assurance or enhancement initiatives and plans to host such an event in October”.
