Annual Meeting of the Five Countries Qualifications Framework Group


Each year the relevant quality assurance bodies, regulators, and government representatives from Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland come together to share information and updates on our national qualifications systems and frameworks, quality assurance of qualifications and related policy developments.

This year, the annual meeting was hosted by the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework Partnership (SCQF) on Thursday 20 and Friday 21 January.

This forum plays a vital role in ensuring our common understanding of approaches and supports coordination and collaboration in relation to topics and issues of mutual interest.

Although the UK is no longer part of the EU, our bilateral agreement maintains essential communications across the Five Countries in this Framework Group supporting the high levels of mobility between our jurisdictions. This collaboration also supports and is in line with the Common Travel Area (CTA) Memorandum of Understanding.

The group is also responsible for producing the Qualifications Can Cross Boundaries brochure which is updated at this meeting as appropriate. Revised editions will be published on the QQI website. Further information is available from Katherine Walsh at
