QQI publishes Qualifications Frameworks - Reflections and Trajectories
The Irish National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) is now a prominent feature of our qualifications system. The NFQ was launched in 2003 and has since become embedded in how we think and speak about qualifications in Ireland. Under the Qualifications and Quality Assurance Act 2012, QQI is required to promote, maintain, further develop and implement the NFQ for the development, recognition and award of qualifications in Ireland. To support this work, QQI has published Qualifications Frameworks – Reflections and Trajectories which is intended to inform debate about the possibilities and limitations of qualifications frameworks as tools for reform.
In conjunction with this publication, QQI has commissioned Indecon Consultants to conduct a Policy Impact Assessment of the NFQ. During December 2016, Indecon will launch an on-line survey to gather views on the contribution of the NFQ to date and to identify future policy priorities for the NFQ. Responses to the survey will help us to develop the NFQ, we thank you in advance for your valued participation.
Your thoughts, ideas, concerns and hopes about the NFQ are always welcome, please let us know at nfqforwardthink@qqi.ie