QQI International Engagements in 2021


Despite ongoing challenges and constraints, the first quarter of 2021 saw QQI participate in a number of European-level events in the area of education and quality assurance. 

In January, Angela Lambkin ​and other members of QQI’s Information Services took part in the EU Reference Group for Agencies of the DFHER​IS where they gave updates on a range of EU-level activities they are currently engaged in, with Director of Qualifications Barbara Kelly invited to bring proceedings to a close. 

In March, a collaborative ePoster titled Reimagining Learner Engagement in a Virtual Context was developed by AONTAS, NStEP and QQI for attendees of the ESAI conference. The ePoster considered how virtual environments have impacted learner engagement – both positively and negatively – across the tertiary education sector, and Roisín Morris-Drennan and Mairéad Boland worked with NStEP and AONTAS to highlight how the three organisations adapted processes to maintain engagement and ensure the learner voice is heard. The poster also included students’ feedback on their experiences and considered which elements of virtual processes may be carried into a post-pandemic future. 

Dr Padraig Walsh, Chief Executive, QQI, made a short presentation in mid-April on the topic of Micro-credentials in Higher Education in Ireland at the Meeting of the Directors-General for Higher Education organised by the Portuguese Presidency of the EU. Outlining how QQI has been involved in approving micro-credential programmes and courses for several years, through Minor and Special Purpose Awards particularly in Further Education and Training, Padraig also drew attention to steps to streamline processes to validate (accredit) programmes. He also drew attention to continued demand from the provider sector that the model for micro-credentials be extended further to include new programmes and the modification of modules taken from previously validated programmes. 

The following week, as part of a webinar organised for the ENQA Members’ Forum 2021, Mairéad Boland presented QQI’s experience of and reflections on online quality assurance during the pandemic and, alongside Dr Jeffrey Cox of NStEP, spoke about the joint efforts of QQI and NStEP to facilitate and enhance learner engagement in the CINNTE institutional review process in 2020/21. 

Finally, on Friday 23 April, Karena Maguire, Head of Stakeholder Engagement and Communications, featured at the ‘ENQA online members’ forum: stakeholder involvement in external quality assurance’ alongside speakers from NOKUT, QAA and ANQA, and presented the agency’s insights on stakeholder involvement in developing policy on External Quality Assurance (EQA) methodologies. QQI’s experience in this area was previously referenced in ENQA’s ‘Study on Stakeholder involvement in external quality assurance’ , published in 2020. 

In the months to come, we hope to maintain this high level of participation and engagement with peer agencies and partners across Europe.
