Public Consultation on QQI Statement of Strategy 2022-2024



QQI is consulting on its next three-year strategy 2022-2024. We would like to hear your views on the main emerging themes of the strategy by completing this short survey. This will enable us to identify the areas and ways in which we can work best with you and all our stakeholders to deliver the strategy in a dynamic, uncertain and challenging national and international environment.

About QQI

QQI is an independent state agency.

Our (proposed new) mission is to:

  • sustain public confidence in the quality, integrity and reputation of Ireland’s further and higher education providers

  • provide authoritative information on the diverse range of qualifications included in the National Framework of Qualifications.

Our work covers many areas of quality assurance and qualifications. In the period to 2024, we will work to fulfil our mandate, recently extended in scope, and to address the challenges and opportunities arising from the Covid-19 pandemic, accelerated changes in digitalisation and the creation of a new Department for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science.

We expect to focus on the following areas:

  • Increasing the range of qualifications in the National Framework of Qualifications

  • Developing a sustainable, diverse and agile qualifications system

  • Approving programmes offered by providers and certifying learners, emphasising digital delivery

  • Improving our information services on trusted qualifications and pathways

  • Providing greater protection from financial loss to learners on programmes in private providers that lead to QQI awards

  • Enhancing confidence in quality and improving the learner experience through the awarding of the International Education Mark for learners in higher education and English language education

  • Providing authoritative analysis and insight to improve education and training

  • Advising the Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science on quality assurance and qualifications matters

  • Continuing to improve our services, the transparency of our costs and charges and our communications.

The survey closes on Friday 11 June 2021​. To participate, click here​.
