National Academic Integrity Network: March 2021 Update


The first meeting of 2021 of the National Academic Integrity Network took place on 18 February with a high level of participation. It was agreed that the Network will run a second National Academic Integrity Week during the week commencing Monday 18 October with two parallel themes 

  • Staff and student partnership in upholding academic integrity  
  • Ensuring academic integrity through the range of assessment methodologies employed (including a focus on lessons learnt from the COVID-19 experience).  

The Network’s next webinar will focus on remote assessment, proctoring and exam security. Details will be published shortly. 

The Network also has two publications pending:  

  • Interim Academic Integrity Guidelines – currently circulated to external stakeholder groups for their observations, the final version will be brought to the next Network meeting on 15 April for agreement prior to publication 
  • Academic Integrity Principles including a Lexicon of Common Terms  

For further information about the Networks publications, planned events or 2021 objectives, get in touch with the Network member nominated by your institution.​
