Measuring the Impact of


The Analysis and Impact Group, of which QQI is a member, has recently published the Report Templates and Guide, with the goal of encouraging more analysis of the results of and PGR at programmatic level. 

The Group seeks to enable Programme Directors and Heads of School to analyse the results for the students they are responsible for via the In Touch data analytics dashboard and inform their enhancement activities with this direct student feedback. 

The Report Templates and Guide explains how to access the results via the In Touch platform and how to examine, compare and download them. Also included are short and simple templates for reporting results.

Impacts of encouraging more analysis of the results at programmatic level include:

  • Opportunities to analyse the results and to act on them are expanded, 
  • Staff are more informed and motivated to do so, 
  • These templates can harmonise easily with existing reporting mechanisms, and can lead to the co-identification of priority areas of focus,  
  • Ownership of the feedback and opportunities for enhancement are shared across the institution, 
  • Ultimately, students are heard at levels closer to them and their feedback leads to meaningful enhancement activities. 

Each participating HEI has access to a bespoke In Touch dashboard, though a non-HEI specific version of the Report Templates and Guide can be accessed here​.
