2023 review of ATP landscape in Ireland


This review was commissioned by QQI as Ireland marks the 20th anniversary of the introduction of the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) and the national access, transfer and progression policy (ATP) that informs how learners and education providers engage with the framework. 

ATP has been fundamental to enabling learners to engage with the NFQ and benefit from it, providing an essential architecture of specified entry arrangements, transfer and progression routes; the accumulation of credits; information for learners; and the recognition of prior learning.

The findings of report indicate that the principles of equity and social inclusion that underpin ATP, are translated into practice in numerous initiatives by dedicated professionals. The report is informed by plentiful, but fragmented, information, including policy documents, project outputs and research reports that contribute to the understanding of ATP and related practice. The report offers an insight into the dedicated and informed work of practitioners, learners, and researchers across the tertiary landscape, both past and present. The report presents key findings and spotlights some exemplars of practice across the tertiary education and training sector. There a number of recommendations for QQI which will be considered in due course. 
