10th Meeting of the Irish EU Reference Group of Agencies of DFHERIS


QQI, in collaboration with the HEA, Léargas, and SOLAS held the 10th Annual Meeting of the EU Reference Group of DFHERIS Agencies online on 1st February 2023.

The event was well attended with over 60+ diverse participants from across the education and training sector registered for the event, to listen and engage with stakeholders discussing EU-related activities and developments of interest to the wider education and training community.

The event was divided up into two sessions:

  • Session 1 covered poster updates from the agencies of the Reference Group meeting.
  • Session 2 focused on EU Skills policies developments.

Keynote speaker Koen Nomden, Team Leader, Transparency and Recognition of Skills and Qualifications, European Commission.

The remit of the meeting was viewed as ‘offering the potential to share our thinking, shape our national responses together, and multiply the impact of what we do individually’.

That remit was reflected in the purpose of the tenth meeting which was to share updates on European policies and developments in the further and higher education sectors, including identifying a range of current initiatives, sharing emerging findings from new projects, and discussing potential developments affecting learner mobility.
